Short Bio

I am a 17 year old dreamer. I have many dreams, and often times many of them nothing but dreams, but sometimes those dreams turn into realities. I had a dream of being a blogger on the MIT Admissions Site. I sent in my 8,000 word application, and about a month later I received the response:


Hi Yoni –

Unfortunately we were not able to accept your application to be an admissions bloggers. Only students currently enrolled at MIT can be a blogger. However, I’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have about applying to MIT going forward.


– Chris


Needles to say I was far from surprised, and anything but upset or sad. On the contrary, it would have been really strange if I was accepted.  It would kind of forced them to accept me into MIT as a student, because it would be even more absurd if they rejected me, and then I would go and blog about my rejection on the Admissions blog. So that’s why I started my own new blog, and this is the blog you are on right now.

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